Thursday, June 5, 2014

11:50 AM
West Papua is a fixed Price and Not For sale!

This paper argues that Government should retain West Papua to be a part of NKRI because of two factors, historical asset and Political aspect, involving the foreign media interference. History is absolutely a primordial legacy which has a high value and cultural meaning for every nation. West Papua is one region which has a tremendous history. This can be seen through long journey which has been passed by own West Papuan and Indonesian fighters themselves, precisely when Soekarno’s regime. The struggle which requires a long process which should be used as a lesson that “Will we release West Papua easily ?” That's why Papua must not be separated from NKRI. This is because history certainly has many impacts not only in the past and present, but also in the future.
Besides that, many political practices which conducted in Papua because they wanted to separate from Indonesia. Politics is a range of activities related to the process of setting goals and trying to get something desirable. One example of the political aspect is the role of foreign media interference which took part in utilizing the conflict which is developed by separatist group, OPM (Papua Free Movement) to be exploited and politicized in international forums.

Main Body
Straightening about History
Papua has been a part of Indonesia territory since Sriwijaya Empire era until now. Kingdom of Sriwijaya recorded once sending birds of indigenous Papuan, called Janggi to the Royal Government of China. From this few names which is given to the Papuans, it is very clear that since this area is known, historically there is a very close relationship between this region with other regions in this  archipelago at that time. Another name of Papua in the past is "Samudranta", which indicated that Papua region have been known through the community which used Sansekerta language, which lived in Indonesian Archipelago, both in terms of geo-political, socio- economic and culture in a broad sense. Ramandey has written that in the first century (AD), the influence of Hindu and India have spread in the whole Archipelago. It is not only in Java and Sumatera, but also until in the east, including Papua. It may be called “Pulau Ujung Samudranta”, that is Nieuw Guinea. It means that some of sailors have ever been there because of those sources.
In the 13th century, a Chinese traveler named Kua Chau Yu written that there is a local Indonesian islands named Tung-ki, which is part of a country in Maluku. Tung-ki is the Chinese name for Janggi or Irian. Upon the arrival of Europeans, in 1660, a treaty was agreed by Ternate and Tidore under the supervision of the Dutch East Indies government declared that all areas in the territory of Papua are Tidore Sultanate. This agreement has shown that initially the Dutch government actually recognizes Papua as part of Indonesia territory.
The confession of Papua that Papua is part of Indonesia territory legitimately when Indonesia got freedom. Indonesia as the new country claimed that a whole of Dutch former colony, including Papua region known as Nieuw Guinea West, is absolutely part of Indonesia territory. On the other hand, the Dutch argued that this region has different characteristics of socio-cultural and geographically, "should be given the freedom to determine their own future."
In the power transfer agreement between the Dutch and Indonesia, which was signed in November 1949, the status of region (Papua) which is still in the dispute must be resolved within a few years. Then, In 1962, President Sukarno formed the Mandala Commando, which led by a General Major, Suharto, in charge of planning and executing military operations for the independence of Papua. In early May, 1962, Indonesian troops were flown into the Bird's head region, followed by Indonesia's largest naval operations. Meanwhile, Dutch accelerate efforts to prepare for the independence for West Papua, such as setting up a police in Papua, Papua Vrijwilliger Corps (Corps Volunteers Papua) at 1960.
Then west Papua officially became a part of Indonesia on May 1th, 1963 after signing of New York Agreement between Indonesia Government and Dutch on August 15th, 1962 or 18 years after Indonesian Independence Proclamation. Statement about joining Papua into Indonesia had been conducted through PEPERA (Act of free choice) which was held in 1969.
PEPERA was began on July 14, 1969 and end on 4 August 1969. Implementation of PEPERA had been witnessed by deputy of United Nation (UN or PBB), Dutch, and Australia with option to unite with NKRI or form an own State. Obviously, the result of referendum (PEPERA) has showed that West Irian (now West Papuan) want to retain within NKRI. The referendum’s result was brought to New York to be delivered in UN General Assembly by the ambassador, Ortis Sanz. Then, on 19th November 1969, UN General Assembly received and approved the referendum’s results. Since that time, legally West Irian became a part of Indonesia territory.
For the more reason, Mr. Ramses Ohee, the key witness about the process of returning Papua into NKRI, in dialogue with the theme "Menjaga Kedaulatan NKRI, Guna Mencegah Disintegrasi Bangsa Di Tanah Papua" held by TVRI Papua station on Tuesday night of March 25, 2014, said, "I, as agents of history, a parent who are still alive (means Ramses Ohee), assume that there are some group who deliberately distort the history of Papua to maintain the conflict in Papua. History about joining Papua into NKRI is absolutely correct, but this true history has been distorted by some certain people which majority are the young generation", Ramses Ohee Revealed. He also explained another historical fact in Papua, such as the problem of Papuan youth deputation who attended in oath Youth activities on October 28, 1928. Unfortunately, there still people which assume that Papuan youth deputation were not present in oath Youth activities. "This is wrong,  because in fact, youth Papuan present and take an oath with other youth from other place. My father, Poreu Ohee is one of youth Papua who present at the time" he said. By looking at this evidence, it is very clear that West Papua has been part of NKRI.

Foreign Political Interference, Including Foreign Media
The foreign media has been provoked and politicized some issue about conflict in West Papua in international forums, such as developing the issues about human rights violations, TNI or POLRI which has attacked OPM and other Papuan, and soon. The international media is very crucial in influencing West Papua to separate from Indonesia. John Rumbiak, a Papuan activist, want Eben (American researcher) to bring his research to the level of International through the main newspaper, The Sunday Times, the largest newspaper company in the United Kingdom. (S. Eben Kirksey, 2009: 155).
 As Lehtonen (2000: 65) says, “Media and media texts, for their part, form the scene of continuous battle. The media are part of political and economic power machinery. Where the role of the media is very influence politics itself. The role played was also very important. This is proven by the frequency and activity of the mass media to report the political events which often provide very significant impact in the political world, especially Indonesia. The mass media is as well as a trigger and can sometimes be very significant role in social life, and sometimes can be the indicator of political changing.
            According to the theory of intelligence operations, the riots in Papua, triggered by OPM by provoking the military and police. The purpose of this policy is to create the chaos and improve their image (OPM) as a freedom fighter. This is as has been done by President Bill Clinton when he supported the independence of Kosovo from Serbia.
It means there is possibility of double-agents who claim to be funded and trained by the military is one of Kosovo's mode or form of provocation from OPM against the military and police. The Issues and endless conflict in Papua is about a series of riots, such as the shooting, sparked by OPM. However, surprisingly few of foreign institution in Papua, which is focus on the counter attack or the response of the military and police toward OPM. The reply is considered as an act of human rights violation which is performed by the military and police. It is intended to corner the military and police without seeing a bigger trigger behind it. This is clear that the movement of foreign organizations in Papua, helped in splitting the NKRI. It also has been proved the America’s ingenuity in exploiting the separatist movement and the situation in the country, especially in Asia which has abundant natural resources.

In conclusion, West Papuan absolutely has been a part of Indonesia territory. About separatism movement (OPM) in West Papua, Jakarta as a center government must act seriously to resolve this problem because OPM in reality is only a small group who actually want to disintegrate the unity of Indonesia. Certainly there must be a straightening perspective about history of joining West Papua into NKRI toward them (OPM). Because of that, government must go on in intensifying the diplomacy in international world, especially to anticipate the work of small group which fight for free of West Papuan. Central government also should be nimble in building a positive relationship with media because media is a crucial problem on controlling a public opinion which is constructed by national, regional and global media.

1.      Lehtonen, Mikko. 2000. The Cultural Analysis of Text. Sage Publications: India.
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3.      Situasi sosial Politik di Papua Barat. ( On Mei, 10 2014
4.      Amerika-Inggris-Australia-Belanda, Mata-Rantai Gerakan Internasionalisasi Untuk Papua Merdeka.( Taken on Mei, 30 2014


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