Tuesday, June 10, 2014

11:36 PM

This paper argues that the central government should terminate the separatism problem in Papua.  Papua is Indonesian island that should be kept away from foreign incitement who wants to separate Papua from NKRI. Nowadays, Papuan provoke to against Indonesian government and request independence of Papua. Some of the country support Papua to get their independence because just has other interest over the existing condition. So, separate from Indonesia is not final destination of Papua because uncertainly they can live better.
Actually, Papua does not need independence but peaceful life. It has been stated by Lukas Enembe, a Governor of Papua.  In front of thousands people, he shouted “Papua do not need an independence, just want peaceful”. Like all the other regions, Papua was included in Indonesian territory because it had become part of the Netherlands Indies. Moreover, Papua occupy a special position for Indonesian, not only because the provinces have rich natural resources but also because of the nationalist slogan "From Sabang (a city in Aceh) to Merauke (a city in Papua)," symbolic markers of Indonesian territory.
In the preamble of the 1945 constitution writes "Seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia". It means that all of Indonesian people, no exception territorial of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke.
Historical relation
Dr. George Junus Aditjondro (2000:3) said "History of a community is self identity and future imagination from that community”. As Papuan decision in pepera into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is correct so it does not need to be questioned again. Indonesia’s sovereignty over Papua has been contested for much of the period since Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945. The independence throughout the territory of the former Dutch East Indies became the State of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.
Papuan history cannot be separated from the Indonesian in the past.  In the era of Sriwijaya empire had ever been sent birds which can call by janggi to the Chinese empire. The name of Papua in past is ‘samudranta’ which showed that Papua had known by Sanskrit people who lived in Indonesia archipelago. Ramandey writes that in the first century of masehi, hindu and india influences was spread in the whole of nusantara, not only in Jawa and Sumatra but it has been spread until Papua.
In terms of history, that the Round Table Conference is being done to regulate the transfer of sovereignty Indonesia by Dutch who want to continue to maintain the West Irian ( New Guinea ) on their side. The RTC decided the settlement of the West Irian will be determined within one year after the transfer of sovereignty through negotiations between the RIS with the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
On October 1, 1962 the Dutch handed over the territory of West New Guinea to the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority ( UNTEA ) until May 1, 1963. After that, the Dutch flag was replaced by Indonesia. Furthermore, the UN designing an agreement known as the "New York Agreement" to provide an opportunity to the people of West Irian by pepera ( Penentuan pendapat rakyat ) in 1969, the result represented 175 people of West Irian as a messenger of the eight districts, agreed to unite with the Indonesian government. Here are some facts that Papua was included in the territory of Indonesia :
a.    International Legally, Uti Possedetis Juris stating that the territory of the former colonies is then free to follow the country's before independence it’s Indonesia.
b.    The result of pepera in 1969 which states that the Papuan people choose to join with Indonesia.
c.    Exit of resolution No. 2504 on November 19, 1969 of the UN General Assembly ratified the results automatically Papera and effective administration of Papua has been left entirely to the Government of Indonesia, it is also characterized by lowered flags previously UNTEA Indonesian flag should coincide with UNTEA flag.
Besides, some of the Papuan provoke to against Indonesian government and request independence of Papua. One of them is OPM, they feel that they do not have historical links with parts of Indonesia and other Asian countries.
Meanwhile, the lecturer of the University of Papua, DR. Bernarda Meteray in the discussion "Membangun papua dengan karakter pancasila" at the University of Pancasila, Jakarta.  He said that Papua is part of Indonesia and it officially happened only in 1962 after Indonesia's independence struggle in 1945. Statement Bernarda refers to the results of the New Guinea Council meeting on October 30, 1961 which discussed the political manifesto.
Thus, flying of flag, announcing the song and the name of the nation of Papua is not a guarantee for immediate independence, but just an effort to show the world that the Papuans have the right to self determination. It has been carried out on pepera under the supervision of the United Nations in 1969.
Conspiracy of politic
Issue the independence of Papua being increase by a group of Papuan separatists. The issue demands Papua to separate from Indonesia not free from interference and foreign interests, who want to intentionally destroy Indonesian integrity. One of the conflict increases because of Freeport.
In August, 1959, Freeport Director and top engineer Forbes Wilson met with Jan van Gruisen, managing director of the East Borneo Company, a mining concern. Gruisen had just stumbled upon a dusty report first made in 1936 regarding a mountain called the "Ertsberg" ( Copper Mountain ) in Dutch New Guinea, by Jean Jacques Dozy. Hidden away for years in a Netherlands library during Nazi attacks, the report had only recently resurfaced. Dozy reported a mountain heavy with copper ore. For that reason they take big effort to explore mining in Papua but they effort always rejected by Soekarno.
In 1965, Bung Karno successfully removed. After that, Multinational Corporation entered Papua and brings bad effect to Papuan. An executive Freeport-McMoran George A. Maley, wrote a book called "Grasberg" in 384 pages and describes that gold mine in West Papua it has the largest deposits in the world, while for copper ranks on third largest in the world. That’s the reason why Multinational Corporation wants to explore Papua.
In the era of Soeharto, Freeport was entered to Papua easily. Lisa Pease founded an answer that Freeport has contact before with government official in Indonesia. Some of the government official is Ibnu Soetowo as Minister of Mines and Petroleum at that time. Besides, there is Julius Tahija as a businessman who connected Ibnu Soetowo with Freeport.  At least, Freeport legalizes the contract mining of Papua with the government of Indonesia in April 7, 1967. Freeport became the first foreign company whose contract signed Suharto.
In the era of Soekarno, contract with other corporation always give beneficial. On contrary, the policies of Soeharto just like give damage to Indonesia. Every people can imagine, Freeport royalty for Indonesia just 1 % and the amount leftover for Freeport itself. Is it fair enough ? Actually, the policy should to consider as the authority of land to get more for prosperous life. Freeport's Grasberg mine in Indonesia is one of the largest copper and gold reserves in the world. But the American based company owns 82% of the venture, while the Indonesian government and a privately held concern in Indonesia split the remaining percent.
The notions that the independence movement received support from foreign people are not excessive. Papua is designed by a foreign people to be released from Indonesia for various reasons. Such as : the most eastern location, claims about racial differences, and still disputed community integration of Papua into the Indonesian society. The assumption of foreign people that necessary supports the independence because they could have entered with a specific purpose and Papua should be careful in that foreign intervention.
Papua should be keep in unity of Indonesia because Papuan independence will not guarantee that Papua will develop better than now. Many people supporting Papua to get their independences because they just have another interests over the existing condition. The intervention can entered by other way such as : to conduct activities under the guise of journalism , research , medical , religious , or other human activities. Many other countries like America and Australia just want to take the advantages from Papua Island. So, Papua does not need to separate from Indonesia but Papua with the government of Indonesia must create well collaboration to keep the unity of Indonesia and solve all problems in Papua together.

_Pease, Lisa, JFK, Indonesia, CIA & Freeport Sulphur. http://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collections/hidden/freeport-indonesia.htm download on may, 25th 2014 at 4 pm.
_Hafidz, Abdul, Konspirasi Amerika di Papua. iniitunyaharis.blogspot.com/2012/07/ setelah-libya-target-as-selanjutnya.html download on may, 25th 2014 at 3 pm.
_Ervianto, Toni,  Kepentingan Asing di Balik Freedom Flotilla West Papua. http://news.detik.com/read/2013/08/31/175501/2346026/103/2/kepentingan-asing-di-balik-freedom-flotilla-west-papua download on may, 26th 2014 at 2 pm.

_Sentani, Makna 1 Mei Tidak Boleh Pudar. http://nusantara.tvone.co.id/berita/view/37393/2010/04/24/makna_1_mei_tidak_boleh_pudar/ download on may, 10th 2014 at 3 pm.


  1. Penutupnya keren :
    Papua does not need to separate from Indonesia but Papua with the government of Indonesia must create well collaboration to keep the unity of Indonesia and solve all problems in Papua together
    navigasi Indonesia
