Tuesday, May 27, 2014

12:12 AM

Outline Argumentative Essay
This paper argues that the Indonesian government should maintain the West Papua to remain a part of Indonesia. Papua is the most eastern island of Indonesia, the island is rich in natural resources, cultural diversity and the majority of its land is a jungle, where the integral in the history of the struggle of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia). But lately many were surprised by the news about the separatist movement in Papua, the Papuan struggle for independence from Indonesia. Separatism is the biggest threat to the integrity of the Republic. There are many reasons that West Papua should integrate with Indonesia.
First point is history. Actually who want Papua separated with Indonesia is just from OPM. Moreover now OPM and his colleagues have joined with other countries. OPM has established its first international representative office in Oxford, England. The office is led by Benny Wenda, a Papuan activist most vocational Freedom in Europe. So if OPM still think about how to separated West Papua from Indonesia, the Bhineka Tunggal Ika will be broke.
Second point is culture. Papua has a very unique culture, such as the unique of cloth that usually Papuan people wear, the name is Koteka. Papuan people also use the unique language. And then the customs in Papua is like dance and other, so we should keep these cultures.
Third point is education. The education in Papua is still very low. People of Papua have the right to live, the right to get education, and other. So, Indonesia should lead the people of Papua in the field of education.
            In conclusion is we should take care of the Papua and the conflict of Papua should be solved. Then in this case there needs to be dialogue between Papuan people and Indonesian government.


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