Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Penting : Bekal Untuk Menulis Argumentive Essay

Dalam pertemuan kali ini, akan dijelaskan kembali mengenai penulisan dalam argumentative essay dan juga bagamana caranya agar sukses dalam menulis. Biasanya dalam mencapai kesuksesan dalam pembelajaran menulis harus dibutuhkan kesadaran yang sangat tinggi karena hal tersebut diperlukandan menjadi acuan terhadap faktor kognitif dan faktor sosial. Begitu pula dalam penulisan argumentative essay, bukan hanya sekedar pemahaman topik yang hendak dibahas, akan tetapi juga keterkaitan antara opini penulis dan juga isi pokok isu yang akan ditulis.

Terdapat beberapa hal penting yang biasanya dianggap sepele, di antaranya:
*      Tittle
Dalam setiap wacana atau teks sudah tentu terdapat judul yang dijadikan objek pembahasan yang ada di dalamnya. Posisi tulisan akan lebih menarik apabila terpaku pada judulnya yang dianggap menarik atau tidak.

*      Working-thesis
Yang dimaksud working-thesis di sini ialah salah satu opini dari penulis yang disertai dengan alasan dan terletak di kalimat pertama-awal paragraf pada bagian introduction. Pada working-thesis ini merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dan berguna karenadapat dikembangkan menjadi suatu pembahasan yang utuh.

*      Generic structure
Adapun tata urutan dalam penulisan argumentative essay ialah : (baca ://http://bellevuecollege.edu/asc/writing)
*             Tahap pertama (introduction)
v   Choose a spesific issues to discuss
-Some debatable issue cover a wide range of topics.
v   Research both sides of the topic thoroughly
-Iven if you know which side you want to argue research can give you ideas for counter-arguments and help your paper show balance rather than bias.
v   Develop a working-Thesis
-State your position on the issue and summarize your argument’s main reasons in one sentence. Your body paragraphs should explain your reasons fully.
*             Tahap kedua (Body paragraph)
·               Option 1     :    present both sides of the issue, then state your opinion and explain why you choose that side.
·               Option 2     :    state your opinion at the beginning. List and expain the reasons for your choice. Acknowledge the other side’s arguments.

*             Tahap terakhir (Revise and Edit)
ü   Pretend that your readers are a skeptical panel or jurors. You can best your arguments by avoiding emotional or aggressive language and by using a mix of evidence types-facts, statistict, examples, expert opinions, or even personal experience.
ü   Cite your sources
ü   To increase the chances that your audience will agree with you, start body paragraph with ideas that both sides agree upon before your point.
ü   Know the other side’s strongest arguments to defend againts challenges from other students or your instructor.
ü   In your conclusion, emphasize why your topic is important, summarize your arguments, and re-state your position as the most sensible choice. Do not include newevidence or arguments.

Berkaitan dengan menulis berdasarkan buku Ken Hyland (2009) yang berjudul “Teaching and Researching Writing” yang isinya menerangkan tentang proses dlam praktek menulisterdapat pada halaman 79. Mengenai perkembangan dalam “academic writing skill” berdasarkan New Zealand undergraduates menunjukkan secara eksplisit bentuk penghargaan atau apresiasi menulis secara personal, sosial, secara terus-menerus atau berulang-ulang hal itu menunjukkan adanya tingkat kesadaran terhadap genre dan perubahan melalui keseriusan mengerjakan berbagai tugas.

The disciplinary genres to :
o      Develop techniques for generating
o      Develop techniques for drafting
o      Develop techniques for revising
o      Develop techniques for responding

Adapun berdasarkan pendapat para ahli mengenai susunan struktur teks dan audience, di antaranya:
Flower à        Writing as problem-solving
Elbow à         Emphasis on prewriting, revision, and peer response
Murray à       Writing for learning (Holst, pc)

Setelah ini terdapat lima hal penting berkaitan dengan A process view of writing berdasarkan buku Ken Hyland (2009:80), di antaranya :

             Problem solving                  Generative               Recursive         Collaborative     Developmental

*             Writing is a problem-solving : use invention strategies, and extensive planning
*             Writing is a generative : explore and discover ideas (as the writers write)
*             Writing is a recursive : writers constantly review, and the writers modify their texts
*             Writing is collaborative : from focused feedback, and from a variety of sources
*             Writing is a developmental : Improvement is evaluated
-writers should ot be evaluated only on their final products but on their improvement.

Bagaimana pendekatannya?

“This progressive abstraction of field and tenor is paralleled by a movement from writing for the teacher, to writing for peers, to writing for a public unknown audience.”
-Ken Hyland (2009:80)-

Pandangan Janet Holst (Ken Hyland:2009:81) terhadap menulis yaitu sebagai berikut :

“Learning to write, like learnig any other skill, is a matter of instruction, practice and critical feedback. Instruction in writing (Ken Hyland (2009:80)) will be given in lectures, in workshops and in the Coursebook. The practice will come in the writing assignments and in the tasks you do in the workshops, and the critical feedback will come from your classmates in peer evaluations and in from your tutor in marked assignments. You will quickly learn to become your own effective critic through editing your colleagues ‘work and revising your own.’most of all, you will learn by writing in the struggles to find from for the meaning you want to convey.”
-Holst (1995: V)-

Bagaimana dengan susunannya?

Process stages in writing :
a)             Prewriting          :     brainstorming, free writing, clustering, topic analysis, organising, planning.
b)             Writing                 :     drafting, unblocking techniques
c)              Editing                  :     cutting deadwood, strengthening sentences, improving style.
d)             Rewriting            :     identifying focus and structure, revising on different levels, peer feedback, adapting text for speaking.
e)             Publication         :     proofreading and polishing, evaluating the final product, publication.

Dari semua penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa menulis dan proses penerapannya tidaklah mudah, semuanya butuh konsentrasi yang matang.. beberapa proses dari awal harus benar-benar dipahami agar mudah dan bisa menjadi penulis yang dapat dipertimbangkan terutama dalam penulisan argumentative essay. Semuanya tidak lepas dari pengawasan orang yang ahli dibidangnya.           


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