Saturday, March 29, 2014

Written By MAJID

A various odd facts that tell about history of columbus nowadays has been uncovered, even mostly of this history has been straightened by the West historians themselves. Howard Zinn, the radical critic and historian from the Boston University, has written an article entittle “Speaking Truth to Power with Book”. One focus of this article is talk about the great untruth of Columbus, that He actually is not a hero, but a rapist, a torturer, and agent of genocide for Indians (Origin American), He is also not the first discoverer of America. Even though Zinn has uncovered this odd fact, but there is one crucial question, why zinn does not declare who is actually discover American continent?, In his great book, this actually has not been reveled, so what a phenomenon that make him have no bravery to do this? Besides that, there is still another fact which was skipped by zinn about Columbus history. Well, through this article, the writer will try to reveal it.

On October, 12 1492, Columbus has discoverer a new world, which he regarded as India ( Asia ). Then when he got there, Columbus actually performed the ruthless acts against the Arawaks (Indian), by enslaving them, confiscate their gold, and the worst is Columbus performed genocide. This is the worst thing that has been performed by colombus.
Actually was "discovered" by Columbus was the Bahamas, an island then called Hispaniola which is now divided into Haiti and Republic Dominica. Columbus indeed venturing further south, to Central and South of America, however, he never approached the territory whic is now became a country called the United States. Even though columbus essentially never came to the United States, but the American people still consider him as a hero for america, even in every year, Over there always be held a celebration of columbus day on the second week of October.
One thing that needs to be talked, that is why the name Columbus which until now has known as the discoverer of the America?, The answer is because the expulsion’s event of the Jews from Spain about 300,000 people by King Ferdinand, a faithful Christian, it makes the Jews raise funds for the Columbus’s voyage. The news 'discovery of America' was sent first by Christopher Columbus to his friends, the Jews in Spain.
Columbus's voyage seems thirst for publication and needed to create a legend appropriate the 'sponsored links', the Jewish funders. The next story we know that the medias and publications is controlled by Jews, So, seemed no dishonesty in the writing historical facts about the discovery of the American continent. The diversion of history by the Jews occurred since they were first together the Europeans set foot into the Americas. What have been done by Columbus implicated that his position here as a winner of the history.

Zinn, through his article, entittle “Speaking Truth to Power with Book”,  he can afford to ward off the theory of classical history which said that history has always been on the winning side. The controversial historian has ben succsess put the history back on the track even though it actually insert Zinn’s ideology. The appearance of Zinns article is pointed out as a driver for inception of the origin American awareness about their nation's history. Columbus once considered by mostly of people as a hero, a famous sailor, the great and powerful, but Zinn called him as vile perpetrators, a brutal person with the jungle character. This History which has long glorified is now turned became the most criticized history, denounced, and not a few historians who criticize him.
What have been done by Zinn actually was very impressed. Initiatively, he was so brave to do a very controversial matter. As a historian, Zinn has really been put a vehicle's history on the track. He writes objectively based on the truth and the fact. Nevertheless, there are still several points which is neglected by zinn about story of columbus.
For the essential reason which Zinn has passed it, he has never mentioned who is actually the first discoverer of America ?. This is the crucial reason which should be answered by zinn. He can not be honest In stating that moslem is actually the first discoverer of america. In his great book, entitle A People's History of the United States, never been found the Zinn’s statement about this. Whereas, if Zinn has a bravery to be objective and honest in declaring this history, he certainly will not deny that moslem is the first voyagers who set foot in America long day before columbus. He disguises the clear fact based on a valid data, which has been admitted by many historians, even admitted by west historians themselves.
The absence of some references and footnotes is another reason which Zinn had been omitted. There are so many hard facts that he was supposed to give a note of where he got it, but the info is absent. Zinn's just say at the end of his book that he told all based on the experiences of teaching and from the books which he lists at the end of the page.
Once more a critic for zinn, He did not mention one thing about heroism of columbus, He only focus on revealing a bad aspect of him. Whereas, if this historical fact is analyzed more, certainly will be found the great role which had been done by Columbus, He actually has an important role in founding the victory of America. He is the first person which has recognized America into other nations entire the world. He has brought this state became the biggest and the powerfull nation which be frightened by other nations in the world. Furtherermore columbus has a great role in establishing knowledge about the trading wind in Europe. In this fact, zinn did not mention it.

In conclusion, Zinn has indicated him self as a true historian. He has written a history properly. Actually, his bravery is proper to be appreciated, but zinn here have no bravery to mention that Moslem is precisely a first discoverer of America long day before Columbus, whereas there are many literature which has informed about this, such as the fact which has been mentioned by expert history, Gavin Manzies [Who Discovered America?], Dr Mroueh, and Abu Hasan Al Mas’udi [Muruj Adh-Dhahab, Vol. 1, P. 1385]. It is probably happened because zinn is a jewish, So it is very natural if he does not mention moslem in his great book, because he keep stand on his prestige, as a jewish. Furthermore, Zinn betrayed his nation by only mentioning that columbus is only a murderer and agent of genocide without mentioning his greatness role for America.


            Waterson, Alisse, Maria D Vesperi. 2009. Anthropology Off The Shelf : Anthropologist On Writing.
            Mengungkap Berbagai Fakta Tentang Columbus. Taken from On March, 18, 2014.
            5 Fakta Menyesatkan Tentang Columbus. Taken from On March, 18 2014.
            Ternyata Penemu Benua Amerika Bukan Columbus. Dikutip dari situs On March, 18 2014


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